Professor at UQAMs School of Management Science (ESG), Corinne Gendron is specialized in sustainable development, social and environmental responsibility, innovation and economic governance. Since 2002, she chairs the research group in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development (CRSDD) where she directed several multidisciplinary research programs. She has published a number of books including Ecological Modernization and Business Leaders. Regulation Theory and Sustainable Development, London : Routledge, 2012 and articles in Journal of Cleaner Production, Ecological Economics, and Journal of Business Ethics. After studying law at the University of Montreal, Corinne Gendron became member of the Quebec bar in 1990 and completed an MBA specializing in marketing and finance. She obtained a Ph.D. in sociology from UQAM, which was awarded the prize for best thesis by the Institut de recherche en économie (IRÉC). Throughout her career, she has been invited to several universities and has been collaborating with the ICN as a Research Affiliate Professor from 2012 to 2021. She has chaired the Scientific Councils of INERIS and of IFSTTAR for several years, while being a member of several others scientific or advisory committees (Engie, I-Site Future, L’Oréal, PEPR sous-sol). Since 2023, she chairs the Stakeholders committee of Excelia Group and is member of the Steering committee of the World Material Forum (WMF). In Quebec, she has been an additional member of the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) since 2011 and has been a member of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Committee on shale gas. She was also a member of the Board of Directors of UQAM from 2013 to 2020, when she became a member of the Board of Directors of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC). Over the years, Corinne Gendron has received numerous awards and distinctions. In 2014, she was elected Academician at the Académie des technologies de France where she co-chairs the Technologies, Economies and Societies cluster, and in 2015, she was elevated to the rank of Chevalier de l’Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur de France. She was also elected a member of the Royal Society of Canada in 2019.