Prof. Vito Di Noto, Ph.D. (male), is Full Professor of Electrochemistry for Energy and Solid-State Chemistry in the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova, where he heads the Section of Chemistry for Technology and leads the “Chemistry of Materials for the Metamorphosis and the Storage of Energy group (CheMaMSE)”. He is: “Fellow of The Electrochemical Society”; “Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow”; Coordinator of the Interdivisional Group for “Energy Conversion and Storage of Electrochemical Devices” of Italian Chemical Society, and Past President of the “Electrochemistry Division” of the Italian Chemical Society. He is an electrochemist with more than 30 years of experience in the research and development activities of advanced functional materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices, including primary and secondary batteries running on alkaline and alkaline-earth elements, fuel cells and electrolyzers. In the late ‘90s Di Noto pioneered the secondary magnesium ion battery and devised breakthrough approaches for the synthesis of electrolytes and electrode materials. He also provided seminal contributions to the understanding of the mechanisms of ion conduction in condensed phases. He has a long experience in the development of electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction, oxygen evolution reaction and hydrogen evolution reaction. Currently, his research activity is focused on the synthesis and the studies of the structure, relaxation phenomena and electrochemistry of ion-conducting, dielectric, electrode and electrocatalyst materials. He authored/co-authored over 349 papers and 30 patents. h-index = 50, more than 8’000 citations (Scopus); h-index = 56, more than 10’000 citations (Google Scholar).